
The registration fee for Spin Mechanics 8 is $450.  The fee pays primarily for meals to include catered breakfast and lunch during the meetings. (The conference space is free if we eat enough.)

Abstracts for invited talks and posters are due before July  15.  You can submit them with your registration, or submit it later.  Please use this template for a one- to two-page abstract. 

Once you have booked your travel and accommodations, please provide this information to the conference organizers. For common travel times we may be able to coordinate transportation.

You and any accompanying family or friends are invited to the workshop social dinner on Tuesday evening.  The cost is $84 per adult and $50 for minors. Please sign up here: 

The US National Science Foundation has provided funds to support conference attendance by US students and post-doctoral scholars. Apply below to get reimbursed up to $1300 for registration, airfare, lodging and subsistence during the workshop. If the funds are over-subscribed, preference will be given to students or post-docs presenting research posters. We may also consider institutional diversity and proximity to graduation in the decision.